Simbassäng 150 cm Alfie - Pistachio - Filibabba — Bon Petit
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Simbassäng 150 cm Alfie - Pistachio

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Swimming pool 150 cm Alfie, Pistachio

This is the perfect bathing pool for the small bathing area, in the smallest green and blue shades. With the Filibabba bathing pool, you have made it very easy for you to collect all the børnene and the same bathing pool, so you can do it in the summer when you have a wall, so that there are lots of børn elsker. With this bathing pool from filibabba for you and bathing pool, som all small drenge vil nyde at have ude i haven.


100% Miljøvenligt PVC

Fri for BPA and phthalates

Size: 35 x 150 cm

Alder: 3+ år

Tryg and sjov vandleg i Filibabba bathing pool

With the opusteligen kanter of the indrammer hele bathing bassinet, he die barn optimalt secret, velvety med at børnene vil opnå en rigtig god comfort, når bathing bassinet he in brug. Samtidig he de nøje udvalgte materialer med til at gøre, at et Filibabba Badebassin ikke vil være skadeligt for the barn at lege i hele summers.

And Filibabba bathing pool is outside in mild PVC, so you can roll it and have it in the bathing pool, and at skulle have darlig samvittighed over for mildew. The holder of the bathing pool is BPA or phthalate, so that the barn doesn't come in contact with other people, when the barnet is lighter in the Filibabba bathing pool.

Filibabba bathing pool in Pistachio

The bathing pool is kept in the smallest green and blue shades, so that the bathing pool is outside of the natural environment and therefore does not have a day for me to be focused when it is not supposed to be in the summer. With a bathing pool in this green and blue color, you can use it to inspire børnene to, you can lay in your bathing pool in the summer.

Sådan is the Filibabba swimming pool in Bruges

When it is supposed to be the day of the Filibabba bathing pool in Brug, it is determined at the point where the bathing pool is located in the manual, since high air pressure can tell at the edge of the bath. Samtidig he det viigt at blow edges helt op, for at opnå the optimal sikkerhed and comfort for this barn.

When you are born, you should put your Filibabba bathing pool in it, at that point it will be under the control of your voice, because the bathing pool will not be available. Samtidig bør you aldrig fylde mere vand i Badebassinet, after which he befalet to the barns størrelse og alder.