Simbassäng 80cm Alfie - Botanical love - Filibabba — Bon Petit
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Simbassäng 80 cm Alfie - Botanical love

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Swimming pool 80 cm Alfie, Botanical Love

This is the perfect Filibabba bathing pool, for the little ones. Dette Filibabba's bathing pool has the finest lyserøde color and it is velvety flat with små green with hjerter på. The bathing basin is right up to the helt små børn, so that it has a right way to break up. Dette Filibabba Badebassin vil give jeres have the finest summer stemning, and he is perfect for the warm summer day.


100% Miljøvenligt PVC

Fri for BPA and phthalates

Size: 35 x 80 x 80 cm

Alder: 3+ år

Lad the little barn trygt i Filibabba bathing pool

And Filibabba Badebassin has no bløde oppustelige kanter, which gives barnett in god tryghed and right god comfort. When he blows air in the bath tub canter, that's because of the sick and tried, so the barnet has brug for. The opustelige kanter skaber nemlig en tryg ring rounds om barnet, som barnet kan læne sig op af.

And Filibabba bathing pool is produced in mild PVC, velvety with which it keeps free for bath BPA and phthalates. You should do this with a swimming pool in Filibabba to Børn, but you shouldn't worry about the walls of the barn or the middle of the day.

Filibabba bathing pool with Botanical Love

The fine bathing pool to børn he skbt med et roligt udtryk, som vil give haven en right god summer stemning med the samme det kommer op farve can inspire barnet to at lege med vandet.

You should be able to use it in the Filibabba bathing pool

Et Filibabba Badebassin må aldrig bruges af børn uden opsyn af en voksen, because that doesn't mean it and the living product. Samtidig he det vigigt, at i ikke fylder mere vand i, end hvad he befalet to jeres barns alder og størrelse.

When I blow into the Filibabba bathing pool, I shall blow into it for at the opposite of the bed sikkerhed for that barn. Therefore, it is determined at the puster bath tub op Manuelt, and there is no greater high pressure air, since this can be done at the bath tub to the explodere.