Filibabba Velvet — Bon Petit
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Filibabba Velvet

  • Original price $ 123.00
    Original price $123.00 - Original price $123.00
    Original price $123.00
    $ 69.00
    $69.00 - $123.00
    Current price $69.00

    Spjälsängsskydd, sammet - Doeskin

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    Filibabba Sengerand, Fløjl, DoeskinThis sengerand is produced in 100% organic cotton. Hos Filibabba producerer og designer de deres produkter, simu...

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    Original price $ 123.00
    Original price $123.00 - Original price $123.00
    Original price $123.00
    $ 69.00
    $69.00 - $123.00
    Current price $69.00
    Sold out
  • Original price $ 50.00
    Original price $50.00 - Original price $50.00
    Original price $50.00
    $ 20.00
    $20.00 - $50.00
    Current price $20.00

    Skötplatta, sammet, stengrå

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    Filibabba changing pad, Velvet, Stone GreyDo you also never have room for it all when you go on a trip? Nappies, wet wipes and whatever else comes ...

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    Original price $ 50.00
    Original price $50.00 - Original price $50.00
    Original price $50.00
    $ 20.00
    $20.00 - $50.00
    Current price $20.00
    Sold out

Philbabba Fløjl

The Danish Virksomed Filibabba designer the finest products to the completely mind. Philbabba today says Børne products to Mange Lande, which they refuse to whole Scandinavia, and a long run for the other, thus the fire has the Filbabba fast a great success among the Mange Børnefamily. Filibabba Designer de Fineste and most multifunctional products, where the child is over a long period.

Philbabba Designer Products, where the child over Mange year, then the products for the time with the child's udvikling. Philbabba is a sorely a hood, which they do well for the fact that positively prevailed the production of dees products. Thus, the Philbabba is to say that a positive appearance on the planet Gennem deres Bäredigtige and quality -rig products.

Philbabba uses GOTS-certificate materials, thus sicker that the product is anklendt, as a credible and Øcological Majkning. Udover this Sikrer de Gots-certificate materials, that the materials are reminded of the Foreign Foreign Foreign Femic Fiber.

Philbabba Fløj Has Mange Skøneele < /span>

Philbabba Fløjl has Mange Skønne Fordele, thus VIL Filibabba Fløjl Falde in the Smagen at Enhver. Fløjl has Mange Skønne and Uundværige Fordele, who one Børnefamilie Vil Elske, and Sätte great price on. The material flores you a sorely elastic material, thus the product would be able to lid to Hvert, and thus not give up.

Udover this is the material really comfortably and casual, which gives the product a blødhed, which gives the design the smuke and most harmonious look. The material has a very lukewarm look, thus giving it the design the smuke, which will be fallen in the Smagen at Enhver, self with the kræsne person.

a stingy product Philbabba Fløjl is a very decent product, when the products are the foremen by the Øcological Bomuld, which you are more environmentally. The Øcological Bomuld has a sore chemistry free process, thus the forures the Økological Bomuld not, during the process. Thus, the Øcological Bomuld Skåne will be the environment, and thus forbeder the time for the coming generations.

Udover this will be the product Skåne the child, when the product does not give you allergic chimney, it gives a guarantee that the child does not make various forms for allergies, when he or herself uses Filibababa's Fløjl products.

Philbabba Fløjl has it Smukkeste Design

Philbabba Fløjl has the Smukkeste design, which with guarantee Vil Falde in Smagen onehver. Filibabba Fløjl has the finest look, which gives a very ecstraordina UDSPARN. Products Vil Passe Ind at Enhver Børnefamilie, who will give Hjemmet the Smukkeste look.

The products are obtained in the finest farms, thus for some time for a time for a farner, where it passes to their needs and their very own style. Filibabba Fløjl has the Smukkeste design, simultaneously with a stingy tilgang.

Philbabba fløjl to a minimalist hjem /H2> Philbabba Fløjl is enough rigid raft products, which all the same is Holdt in a simple and elegant design. With Filibabba Fløjl, you get Nogle products, which pass perfectly in a minimalist indentation. This is the case for the fact that they are easy, simultaneously with that they are bruisbare and fleet. Udrryk, whose raft flore stof sides a fine detail to the product. Filibabba fløjl is neutral og passes perfectly to both girls og drenge.

give the børeværelet ettrustry

There is often a right mane on a border, which you have been filled with a farmer, and therefore it may be possible to see the lid. Therefore, you can get some way on the Børneværelet with Philbabba Fløjl Products, for your Erfarvede in Natural Farver. On the mood, alt the child's Legetøj can be allowed to Larme at Børneværelet, forgi both Sengerand and Babynest is Holdt in Neutral Garver.