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Filibabba changing pad

  • Original price $ 67.00
    Original price $67.00 - Original price $67.00
    Original price $67.00
    $ 35.00
    $35.00 - $67.00
    Current price $35.00

    Puslepude - Little sailor

    In stock

    Fines Puslepude to the Pusle table. With raft motivations from Filibabba. specifications Material: 100% Øcological boom gold. Madras: 10...

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    Original price $ 67.00
    Original price $67.00 - Original price $67.00
    Original price $67.00
    $ 35.00
    $35.00 - $67.00
    Current price $35.00

Philbabba Puslepude

Philbabba has a puslepude, in a rigorous good quality. The Skønne Philbabba pusle powder is your skull in Smukke og Unikke Farver, and you can therefore sikker on the finding of a puslepude, which passes perfectly to Jeres Pusleplads. At the same time, a Puslepude, which the whole familia will appear about. A good Puslepude Gør Pusletid More comfortable and good for there children, reaches the little shell pusles.

At the start of the child's life, I will be in Bruge Mange Timer Ved Puslepladsen, and therefore you are important with a Puslepude there both your good for the child, simultaneously with it your flot at Kigge on. Philbabba producer Udelukkninge Økologe and Bäredigtige products, which are Skabt in a Tidsløst and unique design.

With Puslepuden from Philbabba, you can with a good consent shift de Mange Bleer on where children, for which you can do with great care for the environment of the whole production.

Filibab Puslepude with good comfort

Small Børn can quickly become outdated, reaching Bleen shells shifted and can be marked a stress -end unpleasant for both you and there. With a Philbabba Puslepude you you are looking for, that where children are good and comfortable menstruation in shifts. A Puslepude from Philbabba has Høje Bløde edges, so where children can lie and sikkert. At the same time, a Philbabba Puslepude Skabt in Blødt Pu Material, so you sikker on where children are really good.

Puslepuden is really good when you shift it to where children, you are notified by the child being good and then you will be unpreedy that the time before where children become out -of -life. When there is a child, is good and good, in Mulighed to make the gylde one-to-one contact, which can often be opened the pusle table.

You will therefore be unpleasant that the child gets the overflow to UDvikle himself and lie on both mother and father, for the child, the child lies in good.

The perfect Puslepude from Philbabba

The Popular Puslepuders from Philbabba, is absolutely perfect to the Travle Smallbørnsfamilie. Filibabba Puslepude is a shabby in the Højes quality, and a unique Scandinavian design. A Philbabba Puslepude has a vanding reference, so that you can nemt the renderem that, what would be wounded. When you get pushed small bells, a puslepude can often be awarded, and therefore it is important to have a puslepude there is your nemt at Rengøre.

Pusle powder from Philbabba has a Bäræk, which can vask's firewood 30 degrees and it is therefore hugely practical to brow to small bells. In the way, with the interest of Philbabba, Puslepude is a Vandojende, you also say that there will not be down to the foam on the Pusle Pud, and therefore the more hygiene service. A Philbabba Puslepude Painter 65 cm in the Længden og can therefore Bruges in a large part of the child's bleperiode.