Juno Seng A Juno Seng is a children's with Udræk who became The wedge of an architect Ved Navn Viggo Einfeldt Tilbage in 1942-1943. A Juno Seng got you very popular silk, which was really blamed that a Juno Seng is a Seng who can vokse in line with the child. Udover that a Juno Seng got you Velkendt and Popular because of the Muligheden for Vokse with the child, it is also kended under Navnet '' little Per Sengen '', when a Juno Seng will be bone in the foreign popular '' Father to Fire '' Movie, whose nemtic was little Per who had a Juno Seng standing on site. The production of the original Juno Seng Stoppede died in 1970'erne when it was too expensive in Forhold to Nyere competitors, such as Kanne Lave cheapere alternatives.
Juno Seng with opgraning
After the original Juno Seng Stoppede with at Brande Producer in 1970'erne, there was a Women's Ved Navn Annette P. Sørensen who ejede a shop HVOR HN SOLGTE BRUGTE Babytting, Herunder, too, de Orignal Viggo Einfeldt's Juno Seng. Disse Juno Senge became died Solgt Hurtigtiga, oh Annette had sworn wood to know for the Udbud and afterpørgsel. Annette GIK, therefore, with the fact that it was possible to make a new version of a Juno Seng, which was swearing, when there was new and more modern requirements for the spirit of Sikkerheden in a late. Annette P. Sørensen GIK therefore in a Lang Periode and Forsøgte at Udvikle on the original Juno Seng, og in 2004, he could be a good Lancere the new and modern Juno Seng on the Market, who had inspiration in the old Juno Seng Fra Viggo Einfeld. The new Juno Seng became the Udviklet and the producer in Samarbejde with mixed Andet Jordemødre and Handværkere, so it was Stensikkert that it lived op to the modern requirements.
A Juno Seng who wobbles with the child
A Juno Seng, Bruges from the child is newly and indilly the child about 6 years old. A Juno Seng has a nembly three research positions it can be Trække's Foreign Ministry in, in three research teachers. The Mindest read is 115 cm, the midstone read 135 cm and the mostly read you 150 cm, and dissects can be shifted in mellem. Udover that the Sengen can be trained in the country, it can also be held and so in the right, so it has several research functions. Your Juno Seng Hävet in the Øverste Højde can be fx tage the one three -time page of ogly Sengen in form of the Voksnes Seng, so its function is like a Bedside cr, and or so can it brow as a completely almondly tremmeseng and junior wedge. at Sænke tied in the Sengen.