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    Avenue Mandarine
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    This fine puzzle from Avenue Manderine sparks your child's creativity. When the child sits and fiddles with this puzzle, creativity, fine motor ski...

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    Räkna till Tio, Pussel

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    Count to ten and learn numbers with this smart game from Smallstuff.The box contains 10 pieces with the numbers 1-10.

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Fun with puzzles for the whole family

Puzzles are for everyone, and there are puzzles that can challenge people and children of all ages. Puzzles are a fantastic activity for both big and small children, and are the perfect way to activate the children on a gray rainy day. A puzzle that suits the child's developmental stage is guaranteed to stimulate the brain, and your child will love fumbling to solve a puzzle that is a little challenging without being impossible.

Puzzles are a great way to improve your child's concentration while also having fun. Jigsaw puzzles are guaranteed to be full of learning for your child while also being hugely entertaining. You never really get too old for puzzles, which is why puzzles can help bring the whole family together.

Puzzles can continue to challenge your child, in fact all the way through childhood and into adulthood. You can easily maintain the child's interest in puzzles by changing the collection often and making sure that the level of difficulty suits your child.

Once your child has solved the same puzzle a few times, it may be time to change the level and that way you as parents can constantly help challenge and stimulate your child's desire to solve a puzzle.

Puzzles are a great way to be together, because puzzles can really bring people together. A puzzle opens up the possibility that you can solve a problem together, and there is nothing better to bring people together than that. It's both a fun and stress-relieving way to spend time with your child, so not only do you get to relax, you also get a lot of quality time and are brought closer together as a family.

A puzzle can lead to many good conversations when you sit there and try to solve it together. You can gather the whole family because there are many puzzles for children, but also baby puzzles.

Which puzzles are the best?

The best puzzle is a puzzle that fits your child's developmental level. The puzzle must be challenging for the child, but not so challenging that it seems impossible. To ensure that your child is interested in the puzzle, you can find a puzzle with a motif that your child likes or is already familiar with.

The puzzle must be at a level where the child is challenged, but at the same time experiences small experiences of success when he succeeds in putting the puzzle together correctly. When you have to find a puzzle for 3 years, when the child starts to have more interest in the puzzles, you can advantageously find a puzzle with large pieces that the child can easily grab.

You can get puzzles with wooden pieces for very young children, who can handle a bit of everything. When the child gets older, you can replace the wooden puzzle with a puzzle with cardboard pieces. Remember that it is not only the number of pieces that determines the degree of difficulty of a puzzle, the motif also plays a big role.

Strengthen your child's intellect, motor skills and senses with puzzles

There are many benefits to having your child do puzzles. Your child's patience will be increased significantly, while memory will be strengthened. In addition, the child will also learn more and more to solve problems, which will benefit the child greatly throughout life. At the same time, there are a lot of children who relax with puzzles, and you can therefore use it to your advantage in a stressful everyday life to get your child to relax.

If you introduce your child to a puzzle early in development, you can create space for good cognitive development, which will benefit your child for the rest of his life. Puzzles help to create better hand-eye coordination for your child, at the same time that the child has fun with it. A puzzle is not just for entertainment, although it may feel that way when you first start putting a puzzle together.

When something feels like play, it's easier to entice children into activities that develop them, which is why puzzles are so brilliant for children. Your child's senses will be developed through all the beautiful colors and shapes on the motif, while the motor skills will be challenged when the pieces have to be placed so that they fit together.

A puzzle allows us to use both halves of the brain, whereas the vast majority of other activities only engage one half of the brain.