Kyckling - blå - Bobles — Bon Petit
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Kyckling - blå

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bOble's chicken, blue

When the little one has to lie on the stomach, this chicken is the family's best friend. When baby needs to strengthen the neck and back, the curved surface of the chicken can be used as a chute. The chicken will be a hit with the little one and with the rest of the family! Use Chicken to stimulate balance, and strengthen the child's motor development through play.


Dimensions: H: 11 x L: 26 x W: 24 cm

Colour: blue

An activity for the whole family

This chicken is not just for the little tumbling. It can be fun for the older child, or the adult who has to try to balance. The chicken can be turned upside down, so there is now a fun seesaw for the whole family. It will also be a hit for birthdays. Hold competitions about who can keep their balance the longest, and watch the little ones be filled with joy and laughter every time they have to get up and balance.

So, the chicken has a bunch of playful features. When watching a movie in the living room, the little one can simultaneously sit and rock back and forth or from side to side, depending on what is desired. Spread your wings and fly from side to side! The chicken is perfect for the controlled tilt!

A fun toy in a nice design

This chicken stimulates balance no matter how big or small you are. Not only the little one can strengthen the balance, no. The adults can challenge themselves and try to cook while standing on one leg on the seesaw.

The chicken will look good inside any room where play is allowed. It gives a feeling of life and joy, and this is not only because of the shape - the color also has a lot to say. The chicken is striped, which gives it a more lively and child-friendly look. The different shades of blue will decorate any children's room. Blue is a happy color that symbolizes trust and strength, which means that its radiance will have a calming effect on the psyche.

: You should be aware that this product is in , and therefore delivery can take up to 14 days. If your order contains one or more remote warehouse products, the entire order will only be dispatched when all the products are here.