Wool hats — Bon Petit
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Wool hats

  • Original price $ 30.00
    Original price $30.00 - Original price $30.00
    Original price $30.00
    $ 15.00
    $15.00 - $30.00
    Current price $15.00

    Skidmask, strl 92-98 - svart

    Out of stock

    Beautiful and soft elephant hat in 100% organic wool from Smallstuff.

    Original price $ 30.00
    Original price $30.00 - Original price $30.00
    Original price $30.00
    $ 15.00
    $15.00 - $30.00
    Current price $15.00
    Sold out

wid huer

wid is a slide-stunnity material, where will be over Long time. Therefore, you are ideally to the mind, where often they are someday after uge. Uld products will be more than a gang on the bag foundation of the slide quality, which the material considers. Uld gives the child the best comfort, which with Sikkerhed will go to the wid to here, when the mindful will be Elske at Bære Designs the fried by Uld. Uld is a temperature regular, at the same time with the ULD has a good insulation effect. Uld it goes for the body to preserve the constant crisp temperature, so the child the hverk is freezing or having it too hot, as soon as it is not.

Material Uld is self cleaning, which indoors that it does not shell vask, as often as the spirit material. The material ULD can let Air, as soon as it is not over. There is the material uld antibacterial, which is perfectly to the child, which suffers from allergy for housewives. The wool has leaning, which takes off bacteria, as well as housewives have swearing firewood in the material. Therefore, they may be able to try and the right products to the mindstone, self the child, there suffers from allergy. Therefore, Uld Mange Skønne Fordele, who takes the material to a must have mixed Børnefamilien.

wid huer with a fantastic isolating effect

With an Uld Hue, the child is BLIVE HOLDT warm the day round, self on Udflugter, it reaches your coal udendørs. Selvom Uld Huen becomes wet or fucking, so the steady one has the smart and functional isolating effect. Therefore, the little gold lump can be made in the Foreign Ministry in Sneen or liaison, entirely at Bærer the peculiar to be carbon. Therefore, the child will be BLive Holdt warm 24/7, Selv reaches the ware of you tørt and sunny. Huen of the width will therefore be warm, as soon as the child takes on at a speed. Huen rest isolare the crap warm, so the body does not give off uncomfortable heat. Therefore, the width let and fast regulere the crown temperature, as soon as the mindful baes an Uld Hue.

wid huer is perfect to the regular warmth

with an Uld Hue is the thing for the body at regular warmth, therefore it is important that they are completely mindful of an Uldhue. In the winter moon, you are perfectly perfect for regular warmth, which is your non -profit, reaches the mindful shells of the lege in Sneen or Blot Sleve in the children's coarse unddendørs. Uld Huer will be regular temperature Gennem A form for Køling Fordamping. Therefore, an Uld Hue is given the otherwise and pleasant temperature to a reality, Selv Undndørs in Løbet of the Kolde Winter Months. Uld Huer is perfect for Holde Farven and therefore, the wool has the new and fine farner over a long period. An Uldhue VIL Derudover Ojså Holde Facon.

wid huer can brows over long time

uld Huer has a long life on the bag foundation of the Holdbare Material Uld. With an Uld Hue shell Børnefamilien not a head of the UD Moon after Moon, therefore it is a must investment in an Uld Hue.