Hammerbräda - Hape — Bon Petit
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Hammer board

Hammerboard will be the ideal game for children who love a fun and challenging game. A hammer board will strengthen the child while awarding the funniest moments among any child. Through the game with a hammer board, the child must hit the nails with his hammer correctly, and thus hit these nails into the board. Every child will find playing with a hammer board extra fun and adventurous, while at the same time the child can learn to help mum or dad at home and feel that he or she is making a difference.


- Contents: Pegs, hammer and hammer board

- Material: Wood

- Dimensions: 18 x 16 x 8.5 cm

Strengthen hand-eye coordination with a hammer board

A hammer board will continuously strengthen the child's hand-eye coordination through playing with a hammer board. As soon as the child tries to hit the nails in the hammer board, his or her hand-eye coordination will be strengthened. The child's hand-eye coordination will give the child a greater ability to get his eyes and hands to cooperate around a task, which in this case involves hammering the nails into a hammer board.

A hammer board will, in addition to this, ensure that the child's fine motor skills are strengthened. The child's fine motor skills are strengthened as soon as the little one coordinates his muscles in movement with his eyes, and through this the child will make sure to synchronize his hands and fingers.

A hammer board is a challenging and fun game for children

A hammer board is a fun and challenging game for the little ones, where the child gets the opportunity to play on his own, completely without the help of parents. This challenging game through a hammer board will be a hit among all children, where the game will give the child a challenging task, at the same time as a manageable task.

A hammer board has a good quality, and can therefore be used by the smallest without any problems, without the child causing damage to the design. A hammer board will be a fun and challenging game that will always make sure to draw a smile from the very little ones.