Online førstehjælpskursus til forældre — Bon Petit
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Första Hjälpen Kurs för Föräldrar

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191.00 Normal price
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Do you know how to increase first aid for your child in the event of an accident?

In collaboration with Kæmp for life and Happyhello, we have prepared a first aid course online for parents with young children. First aid is based on how you as a parent should act when your child is injured in one way or another. The course is divided into modules, so you can take one module at a time on your mobile, tablet or computer when it fits into your hectic everyday life as parents or prospective parents.

save lives if the accident is out. Take your first aid course for toddler parents online when and where it suits you and your family.

Life-saving first aid for children. /P>

Customized for toddler parents.

10 Modules First Aid Course.

Access 24 hours a day to the course.

Course on mobile, tablet Or computer.

First Aid course contains 10 modules:

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Foreign bodies

Module 3: Toxic substances

Module 4: Impact & amp; Fracture

Module 5: corrosive liquids

Module 6: Head injuries

Module 7: Burns

Module 8: Drowning accidents

Module 9: Wounds & amp; scares

module 10: rounding